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1956 Cyclone Agnes
1986 Cyclone Winifred
Category five Cyclone Yasi crossed the far north Queensland coast near Mission Beach, between Cairns and Townsville, in the early hours of February 2, 2011, with wind gusts estimated at 285 kilometres per hour.
Damage consisted of powerlines down, large trees uprooted, roofs torn off, houses flattened, boats in the marina damaged, plus the cyclone caused significant damage to agricultural especially banana and sugarcane. Cairns and Townsville escaped somewhat unscathed, Cardwell, Mission Beach, Tully, Innisfail and many surrounding towns like Babinda were badly damaged.
Yasi, being such a large, strong cyclone kept up a considerable intensity as it tracked north west and weakened to a tropical low near Mt Isa. This being more than 20 hours after Yasi crossed the coast. Since records commenced, only one death was recorded from this powerful cyclone. There were some amazing survival stories in the wake of Yasi.
Crossing time: 12:00am to 1:00am, February 2, 2011
Crossing location: Near Mission Beach, 138 kilometres south of Cairns
Category when crossing coast: Five
Maximum sustained wind speed: 205kph (estimated)
Maximum wind gust: 285kph (estimated)
Lowest central pressure: 929 hPa

Damage to bananas